Body Mass Index & Riding

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a measure for human body shape based on an individual's mass and height. As it relates to horseback riding, as a rider's BMI increases, their center of gravity gets higher, thereby reducing the rider's ability to stabilize themselves in the saddle. Because horseback riding is a physical sport, it is critical that we evaluate each rider's BMI when determining if he or she can safely negotiate the mountainous terrain in which we ride. Physical fitness is one of many factors that determine your ability to safely participate. We reserve the right to decline service to any individual that, in the opinion of the management, cannot be safely accommodated.

Fully clothed, the BMI for female riders may not exceed 32 and the BMI for male riders may not exceed 34 AND rider's maximum total weight may not exceed 250 lbs. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding. These restrictions are for the safety and comfort of our guests & our horses and are in no way meant to cause embarrassment or ill will. Call us for special considerations.

Check the chart below or you may use this BMI Calculator.